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Have you ever thought about the intrinsic relation there is between traveling with a peace of mind and enjoying your travels? 

Advices for a safe and pleasant voyage

It is a golden advice that you purchase appropriate travel insurance

that will cover all the negative events that might occur.

Plan your agenda in writing


Do not leave it to your memory to remember all

the activities and schedules you have planned.

When you put your activities in writing on a

calendar, you will be able to efficiently calculate

your traveling time and costs.


Adjust your plans and you will avoid

unnecessary risks. Include directions and important telephones, for both place of destiny

and place of origin, as well as a list with all the

trip’s details. Leave copies of this

information with at least one relative or a friend. 

Make a digital copy of your identifications


Losing your documents while traveling

could be troublesome. Scan your identifications

and email the PDF document to yourself.


In case you lose your documents, you could

print copies at anytime. When you have to go

through the process of losing your documents,

it will be useful to have copies of your identifica 

tions at hand; this, will not only allow authorities

to expedite your documents faster, but will also

give them the possibility to avoid fraudulent

activities under your name.


Keep your travel insurance documents


Keep your travel insurance policy documents

with you at all times. In case of an emergency,

it will be useful for the authorities to provide

you with the attention you deserve. Verify

that the information in your policy documents

coincide with your passport information

Some restrictions for pregnant passengers


Generally there are no restrictions for

pregnant passengers up to 28 weeks of

gestation, although some airlines extend the

time limit up to 32 weeks. When the pregnancy is

above that time limit, the airline would probably

request a doctor’s authorization. Please consult

the policies of your airline and that of your

countries destination.

Travelling with an infant


If you are a mother who is travelling with an

infant, to comfort him/her during landing,

offer a bottle or your breast, if breast feeding.

Older children can chew gum or slowly blow in

a small bag

Avoid walking late at night


In cities that you are not familiar with,

ask the people in the hotel the adequate

route to go around so you can stay away from

dangerous places. Avoid walking late at night;

especially, around dark places with few people

on the streets. 

Activate your cell phone and carry it with you


If possible, before going away on a trip,

activate your cell phone and carry it with

you. If you do not want to incur unnecessary

costs, keep it turned off. Having the possibility to

make a call during an emergency is going to give

you peace of mind. 

Identify your cab number and information 


When you take a taxi cab, identify information

such as the cab’s number, company

name and the driver’s appearance. When you

lose something or when you are robbed, the

information that you provide the local authorities

is extremely important. It is always preferable

to request cab’s services via telephone as

opposed to take a cab on the street. 

Carry with you the telephone numbers


Carry with you the telephone numbers

and addresses of the closest embassy or

consulate in your country of destination. If the

embassy or consulate is not located in the city

you are visiting, it will be more difficult to acquire

the information. Hence, it is highly recommended

to obtain the information prior to traveling.

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Bring an additional reading glases


If you wear glasses, make sure that you bring

an additional pair. In many countries you

can only obtain prescription glasses if they are

prescribed by a physician and this would cause

you to waist valuable time in the search of new


Do not forget your prescription medicines


A First Aid kit is absolutely necessary in your

travels. Do not forget to pack your prescription

medicines in your carry-on in their original



Please make sure you know how long

you will stay abroad and bring the medicines

accordingly, plus a week more of supplies. Do

not forget to bring a copy of the prescriptions;

this could be vital in case that immigration

officials request them or in case of a medical


Using a personal information card


Place a card with all your personal information,

such as your name, home address, phone numbers and email address; inside your luggage, purse and/or wallet. The identification cards tied to the exterior of your luggage have the tendency to fall out of place. In case you lose your luggage, airline companies look for any

identification inside the recovered luggage to

locate its owners

Be prudent with the foods


If you are in a country that is considered high risk with the so called “Traveler Diarrhea”, well done cooked and hotter meals are the safest. Avoid consuming food offered by food salesmen on the streets, unpasteurized milk products and raw seafood or any other raw food. Peel the fruits yourself. 


Purchase bottled water or drink effervescent beverages. Avoid using ice. When you brush you teeth it is highly recommended that

you use bottled water. 

Use repellents against insects


If you are traveling to a country with high

risk of illnesses transmitted by mosquitoes,

use protection at all times, including

enclosed places.


Repellents against insects that

contain DEET are the best. Use clothes that are

treated with “Permethrin” and use mosquito nets

for your bed while sleeping. 

Motion Sickness Pills


If your trip is going to be in a ship or train,

and you suffer from motion sickness,

speak with your doctor so that he or she can

supply you medicines to avoid this symptom.

Remember that all those medicines can make

you drowsy, thus make sure you follow your

doctor’s indications on how to intake the

medicine so you can enjoy your trip. 

Remember contact your credit card provider 


Recuerde activar sus tarjetas de crédito

para pagos en los paĂ­ses de destino, por

el tiempo que va a viajar. En emergencias una

tarjeta de crédito rechazada suele convertirse en

un gran problema.

Maintain your cash in batches


For your own security maintain your cash

in batches. You should carry smaller bills

at hand to be able to pay for tips, taxi cabs, and

smaller purchases. It is preferable that you carry

credit cards and use ATM machines to withdraw

larger amounts. But if you must have large amounts

of money, we recommend that you distribute it in different places like your luggage or in

the hotel’s safe deposit box before going out. 

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